American Robin Cornell University Lab of Ornithology's wonderful web site provides a wealth of information about birds.  There are pictures, recordings of calls and songs, migration patterns and life history for each bird.
Here are birds I've sighted with links to Cornell.
Pictures of the easy birds are here below. The elusive ones I've missed with the camera are just links at the bottom of the page.
Last update: May 13, 2014.
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Cooper's Hawk   Golden Fronted Woodpecker   Painted Bunting
Northern Cardinal   Eastern Phoebe   Female Orchard Oriel
Orchard Oriel   Wild Turkey   Black Vulture
Song Sparrow   Scrub Jays   Carolina Chickadee
House Finch   Greater Road Runner   Tufted Titmouse
American Crow   Chimney Swift   House Wren   Indigo Bunting   White-winged Dove
Red-tailed Hawk   Chuck-Will's-Widow   Yellow-billed Cuckoo