Dripping Springs, Texas at: 01/10/25 2:10p Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hours Windy.Sunrise: 7:30a Sunset: 5:51p Moon: Waxing Gibbous History 24 hr 72 hr 7 day 14 day 30 day 12 month Climate Ventusky NOAA RADAR Birds Sighted DTV Channels |
Current Weather Conditions | Current Weather Gauges | |
Temperature | 38.7°F |
Humidity | 78% | |
Dewpoint | 32.4°F | |
Wind | W at 15.0 mph | |
Barometer | 30.084 in. and Falling Slowly | |
Today's Rain | 0.01 in. | |
Current Rain Rate | 0.00 in/hr | High Rain Rate | 0.01 in/hr at 5:00a |
Storm Total | 0.73 in. | |
Monthly Rain | 0.74 in. | |
Yearly Rain | 0.74 in. | |
Wind Chill | 30.5°F | |
THW Index (Feels Like) | 30.2°F | |
Heat Index | 38.4°F | |
UV | 0.0 index | |
Solar Radiation | 176 W/m² | |
Today's Highs/Lows | ||
High Temperature Low Temperature |
38.7°F at 2:14p 31.6°F at 6:31a |
High Humidity Low Humidity |
97% at 12:00a 77% at 12:35p |
High Dewpoint Low Dewpoint> |
35.0°F at; 12:00a 30.0°F at 6:31a |
High Wind Speed | 30.0 at; 11:59a | |
High Barometer Low Barometer |
30.128 in. at 10:41a 29.958 in. at 12:00a |
High Rain Rate | 0.01 in/hr at 5:00a | |
Low Wind Chill | 23.0°F at 5:06a | |
High Heat Index | 39.0°F at 2:12p | |
High UV | 0.0 index at ---- | |
High Solar Radiation | 316 W/m² at 11:59a |